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Essential Tweleve

Introduction of Essential Driver Training (EDT):

The 12 lessons of the EDT program were introduced as a proactive measure to tackle the concerning statistics of road accidents involving young drivers. Recognizing the need to equip new drivers with essential skills and knowledge, the Road Safety Authority (RSA) devised this structured program to address common skill gaps and enhance overall road safety.



Addressing Skill Gaps:

Each of the 12 lessons in the EDT program is strategically designed to fill in vital skill gaps that young drivers often face. From mastering basic manoeuvres to navigating complex road scenarios, these lessons aim to instil confidence and competence in new drivers, empowering them to handle diverse driving situations with ease.


Promoting Conscious Driving:

Through the EDT program, drivers are not only taught how to operate a vehicle but also encouraged to adopt a mindset of responsible and conscientious driving. By emphasizing the importance of defensive driving techniques, hazard awareness, and decision-making skills, the program fosters a culture of safety-conscious drivers who prioritize caution and mindfulness on the road.

Encouraging Positive Habits: Beyond technical proficiency, the EDT lessons also focus on cultivating positive driving habits and attitudes. By emphasizing the significance of patience, courtesy, and respect for fellow road users, the program seeks to foster a culture of mutual respect and cooperation among drivers, ultimately contributing to a more harmonious and safer driving environment for all.


Empowering Drivers:

As a result of completing the EDT program, drivers emerge more equipped, confident, and conscientious behind the wheel. Armed with a comprehensive understanding of road safety principles and practical driving skills, they are better prepared to navigate the complexities of modern-day driving, mitigate risks, and make informed decisions that prioritize the safety of themselves and others.




The introduction of the Essential Driver Training (EDT) program has not only helped to bridge critical skill gaps among new drivers but has also fostered a shift in driving culture towards greater awareness, responsibility, and respect for road safety principles. By empowering drivers with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate safely through various driving scenarios, the EDT program plays a crucial role in promoting safer roads and reducing the incidence of accidents among young drivers.



Ready to embark on your journey towards safer and more confident driving?


Book your EDT lessons today and take the first step towards becoming a skilled and conscientious driver. Click below to schedule your lessons online.

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